Stretch Therapy Classes - In pPerson OR Online

Stretch Therapy – What Is It?

You may ask what is Stretch Therapy and how is it different to Yoga? Most people associate stretching with yoga, and although there are some similarities, the techniques used in ST have significant differences Stretch Therapy (ST) is a comprehensive system that includes stretching, fascial re-modelling, strengthening, neural re-patterning, and relaxation. The goals are grace and ease,…

Pain Relief Recovery
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Pain Relief & Recovery

 New to Australia –  NES miHealth, with proven benefits of biofeedback Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy (PEMF). miHealth can unblock energy pathways in the body that may have stopped flowing. Unlike anything else on the market, this device covers a range of applications that include working directly on the body and off the body in a broadcast mode. What…